Valeriana Wallichii (Sungadhabala, Indian Valerian rhizome)

Valeriana Wallichii (Sungadhabala, Indian Valerian rhizome)

Biological Name:

Valeriana wallichii, Valeriana brunoniana, Valeriana leschenauitic





Other Names:

Indian Valerian rhizome, Sugandh-bala, Tagar, Bala-tagra, Tagara, Tagar-gandhota, Chhalgudi, Asarun, Shumeo, Nahani.


Habitat: This herbaceous plant is indigenous to the temperate Himalayas. The plant is native to Afghanistan, Bhutan, and India.


Additional Info:

Elements Applied:

The rootstock is the commonly applied element. The plant is applied in form of pills, powder, decoction, and infusion.


Active Components:

The chief constituent of Indian valerian is the volatile oil (ethereal valerianic oil); this probably contains esters of valerianic acid, which gradually decompose, yielding the acid. Resin and free valerianic acid also appear to be present.


Used for:

  • The herb is potent of stimulating and soothing the nervous system (nervine tonic), reducing spasms (antispasmodic), soothing nerves, stimulating the stomach (stomachic), reducing flatulence.
  • The list of diseases cured by the plant includes Vertigo, stress, neuralgia, nervous exhaustion, nervous debility, migraine, fainting, epilepsy (convulsions), insomnia, delirium, palpitations, cough, menstrual spasms, dysmenorrhea, spasms (colic), flatulence & chronic skin conditions.
  • It also used as a carminative and antispasmodic and forms an ingredient of a number of ayurvedic recipes. The essential oil of the root and rhizome is having antibacterial property.
  • The plant is also potent of eliminating harmful substances, accumulated in joints, blood, nerves, and the bowels.



2-8 ratti (.25-1 gm) per day can be taken safely (Bhavaprakasha Nighantu). Exercise care. Herbs in Ayurvedic medicine are commonly mixed with other herbal medicines to reduce the toxic effect one of them may produce on the body.

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